This is a now page, and it was inspired by the /now movement. If you have your own site, you should make one, too.
Updated on 31 December 2018.
I try to annotate on this new blog the things and concepts that keep flying away from my mind.
I decided that my next job should give me location indepence, so I am working on it.
I will be working for the whole 2019 for a nice start-up in Berlin as part-time C++/Python developer.
The rest of my time will be used to learn and improve my web development skills (stack MERN), and other life related skills (getting into nonviolent communication much deeper).
I am actively and gradually ditching proprietary services by encrypting my communications and data. I will write soon about my progress.
Again, I am on the quest of learning German, also using Babbel and Duolingo, with a few progress. Slowly, I keep going on.
Since five years already, I organize a cultural/language meet-up for Italians and Germans in Berlin.